New: Digital Authentication / Digital Public Deeds

Digital Authentication and Digital Public Deeds
As of 1 January 2020, an addendum to the Ordinance on Public Notarization and Authentication has come into force in the cantonal law of the Canton of St. Gallen (precisely Art. 18a and Art. 18b of the ordinance). This means that persons authorized under cantonal law to conduct notarizations in the Canton of St. Gallen now have the possibility of digitally certifying the authenticity of signatures or copies of original documents. The digital certified copies have the same legal effect as the original.
Not only does the digital notarization eliminate the need to duplicate public deeds, but the public deeds can now also be exchanged via recognized secure messaging platforms with authorities, auditors, banks etc.
In order for notary publics of the canton of St. Gallen to offer this new service, they must have the appropriate technical equipment and know-how and be listed in the Swiss Register of Authenticating Officials (Schweizerisches Register der Urkundspersonen) (UPReg).
The team members of our office that are notaries fulfil these requirements, which means that Swiss Law Solutions—as one of the first law firms in the Canton of St. Gallen--can offer digital authentications.
Our firm also fulfils the legal and technical requirements for the quick and uncomplicated electronic filing of applications and enclosures in the Swiss commercial registers digitally.